Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cosplay Makeup Look

So i just came back from anime expo and was having withdrawals when I decided to try this eye look below. I noticed that a lot of the cosplay makeup tutorials that I've watched had this kind of effect where you draw a fake bottom "eye line." (dont know what it's called) I thought that it was pretty cool since it really does create an illusion of bigger eyes, and you know how much people really like that nowadays. Ofcourse, I don't think I could wear this on a day to day basis except for like anime convention and in my room. I think I'd be weirded out if I see someone applying their fake bottom lashes that low. Although since I know now what it's usually used for, I would feel kind of envious of them for having such guts to wear that out in public. On a side note, this is not my real hair. It's a wig. Also, I'm not this pale (I wish I was) it's the filter I used that could be my new filter BFF. I like the effect and it fulfills my "pale skin dream." LOL. OH sorry about the picture quality too. TT^TT

Thank you for reading. ^~^


  1. so cute! i don't think i can ever pull off that eye look (i've tied and failed lol)

    happy to see you updating again <3

    1. thank you. but yeah its really weird. some ppl do it so well. thats like goals in life. LOL
